Adding a new Op

You can create a custom op if it is not supported yet.

To add a custom op, you need to follow these steps:

Implement the Operation

The Best way is to refer to the implementation of other operator(e.g. /mace/ops/

Define the new Op class in mace/ops/

  1. ARM kernels: Kernel about NEON is located at mace/ops/arm/
  2. GPU kernels: OpenCL kernel API is defined in mace/ops/opencl/my_custom_op.h,
    • Kernel based on Image is realized in mace/ops/opencl/image/,
    • Kernel based on Buffer is realized in mace/ops/opencl/buffer/
    • OpenCL kernel file is realized in mace/ops/opencl/cl/
    • Add the path of opencl kernel file in file mace/repository/opencl-kernel/opencl_kernel_configure.bzl

The structure of Op is like the following code.

#include "mace/core/ops/operator.h"

namespace mace {
namespace ops {

template <RuntimeType D, class T>
class MyCustomOp;

template <>
class MyCustomOp<RuntimeType::RT_CPU, float> : public Operation {

class MyCustomOp<RuntimeType::RT_OPENCL, float> : public Operation {

void RegisterMyCustomOp(OpRegistry *op_registry) {
  MACE_REGISTER_OP(op_registry, "MyCustomOp", MyCustomOp,
                   RuntimeType::RT_CPU, float);

  MACE_REGISTER_GPU_OP(op_registry, "MyCustomOp", MyCustomOp);

}  // namespace ops
}  // namespace mace

Register the Operation

Register the new Op in mace/ops/

#include "mace/ops/ops_register.h"

namespace mace {
namespace ops {
// Keep in lexicographical order


extern void RegisterMyCustomOp(OpRegistry *op_registry);


}  // namespace ops

OpRegistry::OpRegistry() {
  // Keep in lexicographical order





}  // namespace mace

Add UTs

Add operation unit tests in mace/ops/

Add benchmark

Add operation benchmark in mace/ops/ It's strongly recommended to add unit tests and micro benchmarks for your new Op. If you wish to contribute back, it's required.

Add Op in model converter

You need to add this new Op in the model converter.

Document the new Op

Finally, add an entry in operator table in the document.