Environment requirement

MACE requires the following dependencies:

Required dependencies

Software Installation command Tested version
Python   2.7
Bazel bazel installation guide 0.13.0
CMake apt-get install cmake >= 3.11.3
Jinja2 pip install -I jinja2==2.10 2.10
PyYaml pip install -I pyyaml==3.12 3.12.0
sh pip install -I sh==1.12.14 1.12.14
Numpy pip install -I numpy==1.14.0 Required by model validation

Optional dependencies

Software Installation command Remark
Android NDK NDK installation guide Required by Android build, r15b, r15c, r16b, r17b
ADB apt-get install android-tools-adb Required by Android run, >= 1.0.32
TensorFlow pip install -I tensorflow==1.6.0 Required by TensorFlow model
Docker docker installation guide Required by docker mode for Caffe model
Scipy pip install -I scipy==1.0.0 Required by model validation
FileLock pip install -I filelock==3.0.0 Required by run on Android


  • For Android build, ANDROID_NDK_HOME must be confifigured by using export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=/path/to/ndk
  • It will link libc++ instead of gnustl if NDK version >= r17b and bazel version >= 0.13.0, please refer to NDK cpp-support.