Basic usage

Build and run an example model

At first, make sure the environment has been set up correctly already (refer to Environment requirement).

The followings are instructions about how to quickly build and run a provided model in MACE Model Zoo.

Here we use the mobilenet-v2 model as an example.


  1. Pull MACE project.
git clone
git fetch --all --tags --prune

# Checkout the latest tag (i.e. release version)
tag_name=`git describe --abbrev=0 --tags`
git checkout tags/${tag_name}


It's highly recommanded to use a release version instead of master branch.

  1. Pull MACE Model Zoo project.
git clone
  1. Build a generic MACE library.
cd path/to/mace
# Build library
# output lib path: builds/lib
bash tools/


  • Libraries in builds/lib/armeabi-v7a/cpu_gpu/ means it can run on cpu or gpu devices.
  • The results in builds/lib/armeabi-v7a/cpu_gpu_dsp/ need HVX supported.
  1. Convert the pre-trained mobilenet-v2 model to MACE format model.
cd path/to/mace
# Build library
python tools/ convert --config=/path/to/mace-models/mobilenet-v2/mobilenet-v2.yml
  1. Run the model.


If you want to run on device/phone, please plug in at least one device/phone.

# Run example
python tools/ run --config=/path/to/mace-models/mobilenet-v2/mobilenet-v2.yml --example

# Test model run time
python tools/ run --config=/path/to/mace-models/mobilenet-v2/mobilenet-v2.yml --round=100

# Validate the correctness by comparing the results against the
# original model and framework, measured with cosine distance for similarity.
python tools/ run --config=/path/to/mace-models/mobilenet-v2/mobilenet-v2.yml --validate

Build your own model

This part will show you how to use your own pre-trained model in MACE.

1. Prepare your model

MACE now supports models from TensorFlow and Caffe (more frameworks will be supported).

  • TensorFlow

    Prepare your pre-trained TensorFlow model.pb file.

    Use Graph Transform Tool to optimize your model for inference. This tool will improve the efficiency of inference by making several optimizations like operators folding, redundant node removal etc. We strongly recommend MACE users to use it before building.

    Usage for CPU/GPU,

    # CPU/GPU:
    ./transform_graph \
        --in_graph=/path/to/your/tf_model.pb \
        --out_graph=/path/to/your/output/tf_model_opt.pb \
        --inputs='input node name' \
        --outputs='output node name' \
        --transforms='strip_unused_nodes(type=float, shape="1,64,64,3")
            strip_unused_nodes(type=float, shape="1,64,64,3")
            remove_nodes(op=Identity, op=CheckNumerics)
     Usage for DSP,
    # DSP:
    ./transform_graph \
        --in_graph=/path/to/your/tf_model.pb \
        --out_graph=/path/to/your/output/tf_model_opt.pb \
        --inputs='input node name' \
        --outputs='output node name' \
        --transforms='strip_unused_nodes(type=float, shape="1,64,64,3")
            strip_unused_nodes(type=float, shape="1,64,64,3")
            remove_nodes(op=Identity, op=CheckNumerics)
  • Caffe

    Caffe 1.0+ models are supported in MACE converter tool.

    If your model is from lower version Caffe, you need to upgrade it by using the Caffe built-in tool before converting.

    # Upgrade prototxt
    $CAFFE_ROOT/build/tools/upgrade_net_proto_text MODEL.prototxt
    # Upgrade caffemodel
    $CAFFE_ROOT/build/tools/upgrade_net_proto_binary MODEL.caffemodel

2. Create a deployment file for your model

When converting a model or building a library, MACE needs to read a YAML file which is called model deployment file here.

A model deployment file contains all the information of your model(s) and building options. There are several example deployment files in MACE Model Zoo project.

The following shows two basic usage of deployment files for TensorFlow and Caffe models. Modify one of them and use it for your own case.

  • TensorFlow

    # The name of library
    library_name: mobilenet
    target_abis: [arm64-v8a]
    model_graph_format: file
    model_data_format: file
      mobilenet_v1: # model tag, which will be used in model loading and must be specific.
        platform: tensorflow
        # path to your tensorflow model's pb file. Support local path, http:// and https://
        # sha256_checksum of your model's pb file.
        # use this command to get the sha256_checksum: sha256sum path/to/your/pb/file
        model_sha256_checksum: 71b10f540ece33c49a7b51f5d4095fc9bd78ce46ebf0300487b2ee23d71294e6
        # define your model's interface
        # if there multiple inputs or outputs, write like blow:
        # subgraphs:
        # - input_tensors:
        #     - input0
        #     - input1
        #   input_shapes:
        #     - 1,224,224,3
        #     - 1,224,224,3
        #    output_tensors:
        #      - output0
        #      - output1
        #    output_shapes:
        #      - 1,1001
        #      - 1,1001
          - input_tensors:
              - input
              - 1,224,224,3
              - MobilenetV1/Predictions/Reshape_1
              - 1,1001
        # cpu, gpu or cpu+gpu
        runtime: cpu+gpu
        winograd: 0
  • Caffe

    # The name of library
    library_name: squeezenet-v10
    target_abis: [arm64-v8a]
    model_graph_format: file
    model_data_format: file
      squeezenet-v10: # model tag, which will be used in model loading and must be specific.
        platform: caffe
        # support local path, http:// and https://
        # sha256_checksum of your model's graph and data files.
        # get the sha256_checksum: sha256sum path/to/your/file
        model_sha256_checksum: db680cf18bb0387ded9c8e9401b1bbcf5dc09bf704ef1e3d3dbd1937e772cae0
        weight_sha256_checksum: 9ff8035aada1f9ffa880b35252680d971434b141ec9fbacbe88309f0f9a675ce
        # define your model's interface
        # if there multiple inputs or outputs, write like blow:
        # subgraphs:
        # - input_tensors:
        #     - input0
        #     - input1
        #   input_shapes:
        #     - 1,224,224,3
        #     - 1,224,224,3
        #    output_tensors:
        #      - output0
        #      - output1
        #    output_shapes:
        #      - 1,1001
        #      - 1,1001
          - input_tensors:
              - data
              - 1,227,227,3
              - prob
              - 1,1,1,1000
        runtime: cpu+gpu
        winograd: 0

More details about model deployment file are in Advanced usage.

3. Convert your model

When the deployment file is ready, you can use MACE converter tool to convert your model(s).

python tools/ convert --config=/path/to/your/model_deployment_file.yml

This command will download or load your pre-trained model and convert it to a MACE model proto file and weights data file. The generated model files will be stored in build/${library_name}/model folder.


Please set model_graph_format: file and model_data_format: file in your deployment file before converting. The usage of model_graph_format: code will be demonstrated in Advanced usage.

4. Build MACE into a library

You could Download the prebuilt MACE Library from Github MACE release page.

Or use bazel to build MACE source code into a library.

cd path/to/mace
# Build library
# output lib path: builds/lib
bash tools/

The above command will generate dynamic library builds/lib/${ABI}/${DEVICES}/ and static library builds/lib/${ABI}/${DEVICES}/libmace.a.


Please verify that the target_abis param in the above command and your deployment file are the same.

5. Run your model

With the converted model, the static or shared library and header files, you can use the following commands to run and validate your model.


If you want to run on device/phone, please plug in at least one device/phone.

  • run

    run the model.

    # Test model run time
    python tools/ run --config=/path/to/your/model_deployment_file.yml --round=100
    # Validate the correctness by comparing the results against the
    # original model and framework, measured with cosine distance for similarity.
    python tools/ run --config=/path/to/your/model_deployment_file.yml --validate
  • benchmark

    benchmark and profile the model.

    # Benchmark model, get detailed statistics of each Op.
    python tools/ benchmark --config=/path/to/your/model_deployment_file.yml

6. Deploy your model into applications

You could run model on CPU, GPU and DSP (based on the runtime in your model deployment file). However, there are some differences in different devices.

  • CPU

    Almost all of mobile SoCs use ARM-based CPU architecture, so your model could run on different SoCs in theory.

  • GPU

    Although most GPUs use OpenCL standard, but there are some SoCs not fully complying with the standard, or the GPU is too low-level to use. So you should have some fallback strategies when the GPU run failed.

  • DSP

    MACE only support Qualcomm DSP.

In the converting and building steps, you've got the static/shared library, model files and header files.

${library_name} is the name you defined in the first line of your deployment YAML file.


When linking generated libmace.a into shared library, version script is helpful for reducing a specified set of symbols to local scope.

  • The generated static library files are organized as follows,
├── include
│   └── mace
│       └── public
│           ├── mace.h
│           └── mace_runtime.h
├── lib
│   ├── arm64-v8a
│   │   └── cpu_gpu
│   │       ├── libmace.a
│   │       └──
│   ├── armeabi-v7a
│   │   ├── cpu_gpu
│   │   │   ├── libmace.a
│   │   │   └──
│   │   └── cpu_gpu_dsp
│   │       ├──
│   │       ├── libmace.a
│   │       └──
│   └── linux-x86-64
│       ├── libmace.a
│       └──
└── mobilenet-v1
    ├── model
    │   ├──
    │   └── mobilenet_v1.pb
    └── _tmp
        └── arm64-v8a
            └── mace_run_static

Please refer to mace/examples/example.ccfor full usage. The following list the key steps.

// Include the headers
#include "mace/public/mace.h"
#include "mace/public/mace_runtime.h"

// 0. Set compiled OpenCL kernel cache, this is used to reduce the
// initialization time since the compiling is too slow. It's suggested
// to set this even when pre-compiled OpenCL program file is provided
// because the OpenCL version upgrade may also leads to kernel
// recompilations.
const std::string file_path ="path/to/opencl_cache_file";
std::shared_ptr<KVStorageFactory> storage_factory(
    new FileStorageFactory(file_path));

// 1. Declare the device type (must be same with ``runtime`` in configuration file)
DeviceType device_type = DeviceType::GPU;

// 2. Define the input and output tensor names.
std::vector<std::string> input_names = {...};
std::vector<std::string> output_names = {...};

// 3. Create MaceEngine instance
std::shared_ptr<mace::MaceEngine> engine;
MaceStatus create_engine_status;

// Create Engine from model file
create_engine_status =
if (create_engine_status != MaceStatus::MACE_SUCCESS) {
  // fall back to other strategy.

// 4. Create Input and Output tensor buffers
std::map<std::string, mace::MaceTensor> inputs;
std::map<std::string, mace::MaceTensor> outputs;
for (size_t i = 0; i < input_count; ++i) {
  // Allocate input and output
  int64_t input_size =
      std::accumulate(input_shapes[i].begin(), input_shapes[i].end(), 1,
  auto buffer_in = std::shared_ptr<float>(new float[input_size],
  // Load input here
  // ...

  inputs[input_names[i]] = mace::MaceTensor(input_shapes[i], buffer_in);

for (size_t i = 0; i < output_count; ++i) {
  int64_t output_size =
      std::accumulate(output_shapes[i].begin(), output_shapes[i].end(), 1,
  auto buffer_out = std::shared_ptr<float>(new float[output_size],
  outputs[output_names[i]] = mace::MaceTensor(output_shapes[i], buffer_out);

// 5. Run the model
MaceStatus status = engine.Run(inputs, &outputs);

More details are in Advanced usage.